To be eligible to sell your market livestock at the Washington County Fair,
each exhibitor MUST complete TWO educationals and have the
proper document submitted by 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2025, to the Animal
Science Association. These submissions will be reviewed by the
superintendents of the project area, if there are any concerns the
superintendents will bring it before the sale committee for their review.
YQCA training/completion is required.
Requests must be made to the superintendents for any exhibitor who plans to do an online educational. This request must be made BEFORE completing it. Provide the superintendent with the name and link to the online educational. ALL REQUESTS FOR ONLINE EDUCATIONALS HAVE TO BE MADE BEFORE JUNE 1, 2025.
Being a team member of a LIVESTOCK JUDGING TEAM (4-H or FFA) will be accepted as an educational for 2024-2025. The coach and advisor must sign your educational form stating you participated on the team and at a competition (FFA qualifier counts as a competition).
All educationals will be emailed to
When emailing include the exhibitor’s name and what species they are showing for the 2025 fair. Confirmations will be sent back once received and completion lists will be sent out after sheep registration. The sooner you send them in the better! Deadline is 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2025.
Educationals 2024 - 2025
November 20th 6 p.m. | ASA meeting and educational | Location: Washington County Fair Park, Ziegler Building
Very important updates will be given by Sale Committee for 2024-25 year
Taylor Crouch presenting on pig selection
Josh Riemer presenting on sheep selection
Charlie Bennett presenting on beef selection
TENTATIVE - January 22nd 6:30 – 8 p.m. | ASA Meeting and Educational | Location: Washington County Fair Park, Ziegler Building
January 23rd 6:30 p.m. | Swine Project Educational | Location: Washington County Fairpark
UW Extension presenting on biosecurity and health for your swine project
TENTATIVE - March 19 th 6:30 – 8 p.m. | ASA Meeting and Educational | Location: Washington County Fair Park, Ziegler Building
YQCA Training - More information coming...
YQCA (Youth for the Quality Care of Animals)
After attending a training, either on-line or in-person. Save your login ID and password. Please print YQCA certificate when training is complete. Attach certificate to the exhibitors educationals that will be mailed in.
YQCA (Youth for the Quality Care of Animals) Certification | Required for Washington County exhibitors participating in the Junior Livestock Auction.
In-person training - one (1) educational point.
Virtual training via the yqca website - one (1) educational point.
Mentor/Mentee sign-ups due January 31, 2025 // Counts as one (1) educational point.